Text to request an appointment in Glen Ellyn with Nancy Regan: 630.890.3613

Healing is an inside job

Water is an amazing conduit for energy, and thus often gifts the receiver with an exquisite sense of peace … even for those with the busiest of minds, or fear of being vulnerable.

ChiBaby® Flow…Chi-2O Aquatic Energy Healing

Back in 2010, Nancy started training in Watsu®, an aquatic therapy that aims to free the body in water.  Watsu® is a form of aquatic bodywork involving floating and moving someone, while following their breath, in warm (thermoneutral) water. This in utero-like experience has been described as an expansive, yet a safe journey which creates a profound sense of feeling free. Your body’s range of movement often expands, which often promotes a feeling of greater possibilities.

The origin of Watsu®

The session is performed with no underwater submersion of the face, although the ears will be submerged. Harold Dull, the creator of Watsu® stated, “When we have connected our breathing and are floating someone level with our heart, there is a powerful sense of heart connection. The receiver typically feels a great sense of peace. The entrainment throughout the body and the resonance between the chakras will occasionally, in a body floating freely, show up as an ecstatic wavelike or vibratory movement which may fulfill another need not always recognized–that of feeling the freedom of our body and its energy, which may have an even deeper need underlying it, that of reconnecting to our Source.”

Flowing with Chi2O

Being an energy healing practitioner, Nancy’s was inspired to combine cranio-sacral healing with Watsu® to create a water dance that she calls Chi2O. The work is a profound, nurturing experience in having trust and the art of letting go. It’s indeed a beautiful dance.  Water is an amazing conduit for energy, and thus often gifts the receiver with an exquisite sense of peace … even for those with the busiest of minds, or fear of being vulnerable. Nancy offers aquatic sessions, on a limited basis, in her own private, heated pool in Glen Ellyn, weather permitting.

Nancy Regan ChiBaby-Watsu® Water Therapy

Constantly seeking perfection and approval will cause suffering. We’re all perfectly imperfect. – Nancy Regan

* Chi2O Sessions are on a referral basis only and at her own discretion, as she has some physical limitations as a spine fusion patient. Sessions are also available, weather permitting, from May until possibly mid October.

Your body’s range of movement often expands, which often promotes a feeling of greater possibilities.



Sessions with Nancy Regan

Text/Call: 630.890.3613