I am so thankful for…
The endless support I receive from my dear family, including my fur baby work partner, Lou. My practice is dedicated and in memory to my precious dad, Bob Jones who tirelessly served others and was my greatest teacher of unconditional love and compassion. The veil is thin, as his love and energy live on within me…I’m so grateful for that.
I’m also so thankful to all who have given me the opportunity to support and connect with you. I so honor the trust you’ve given me. You have inspired me to embrace and continue my deep exploration into the world of alternative healing arts, as well as, connecting with the invisible sources of infinite wisdom that surround us all. I feel incredibly privileged to support you in your journey of healing yourSELF. Be well.
My highest recommendations…
Mel Doerr: meldoerr.com (intuitive psychic medium & teacher…a total sage!)
Leven Institute: leveninstitute.com (somatic studies)
Creator of this website: Amy Phillips, Swayed Creative, LLC.: swayedcreative.com
Photographer Anh-Thu Runez: imagesbyanh.com

Kind Words From Clients
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” Our daughter was getting married, I was teaching full time, and my disease was progressing, causing my spleen to grow to the size of a football. I was diagnosed with myelofibrosis, and even though I was going to the University of Chicago regularly for treatment and preparing for an allogeneic bone marrow transplant, I knew that my recovery was possible.
Along with my professional team of transplant doctors and nurses, my husband, Dan, suggested we build a team to support my emotional and spiritual well being. We were already immersed at Prairie Yoga, where we practiced yoga together 4-5 times a week; the yoga teachers and community were already part of our team. I was seeing Dr. Patricia Francis at Central Dupage Pastoral Counseling Center and she recommended that I see Nancy Regan, a cranial sacral therapist. My team began to grow!
I was not certain what Nancy did, but I knew beyond a doubt that I needed to see her. My first appointment was in August 2013. Meeting this new time in my life required all of my energy, as I was devoted to healing, preparing, and learning about my new state of being. I understand and know for sure that I am an energetic being that is in constant change. Nancy has served as a conduit to my inner healing, as she taught me that my thoughts and feelings manifest in my being and aid in my healing. Her work provides openness, healing, and affirmation that open energy is the ground of healing. I have learned more than ever that love and community are imperative, and that allowing myself to be open to receive from others is life changing! Nancy has brought all that to fruition.
Much of my work was and continues to be the practice of positive energy flow, mindfulness, gratitude, and pranayama (breathing techniques). Working with Nancy has supported my life choices of living a life of reverence. I am one year and three months from my transplant and live fully and joyfully with energy and gratitude. My energy is strong, vital, and positive. I have often received comments from others who notice my unique energy. Dan and I continue practicing yoga 4-5 times a week and I continue my work with Nancy. She is a witness to healing energy, and she confirms the importance of me listening to my body with love and bliss – especially when meeting my health challenges during these past chaotic times.
– Joseph Campbell
In the midst of a particularly transformative period of my life, I found myself sitting in Nancy’s cozy space over in Naperville, relating to her the various stresses plaguing me, the road behind, and the journey I saw ahead. During that first visit I had no idea what, if anything, she could do to help ameliorate the restlessness that I was feeling, but I had an immediate sense of trust in her and thus ended up placing myself entirely into her capable hands. That initial massage began traditionally — which was great, I must add — but somewhere near the end, Nancy started lightly touching various points on my scalp and face. “This is weird,” I thought. And then the floodgates opened. For those ten short minutes that she seemingly did nothing more than barely graze my head, I experienced a range of profound emotions the likes of which I didn’t think were humanly possible. It was as if all of checks and walls and defense mechanisms I had built over the years had been torn down, leaving only the true feelings present at my core. It was scary and amazing and more than a little life changing, but such is the power of Cranio Sacral therapy.
I’m the last person in the world who should be believing in CranioSacral work. Being highly analytical, I tend to accept only those aspects of life that can be reduced to concrete formulas which have been rigorously tested by pointy-headed guys with IQs much higher than mine. That being said, in recent months I have found myself becoming more and more open to trying things outside of my comfort level. And when those things just seem to work (or I just seem to have an affinity for them … or just simply enjoy them), I forgo the analysis of “why?” and just roll with it. Nancy’s CranioSacral work falls right into this category; I cannot explain what is happening at the biochemical or molecular level when she performs her magic, and truthfully, I don’t care. I just know that every time I have a session I get more and more in touch with the true Me, and that’s all that matters. Every hour-plus session per week makes me a little bit more whole.
Needless to say, my recommendation for Nancy’s services couldn’t be greater. If you’ve been hearing about CranioSacral massage and have had even the slightest bit of interest in it, please go see this (self-described) Wavy Gravy Chick and be prepared to have your mind blown.
– Alan F.
I quickly discovered that Nancy is one of the most dedicated and knowledgeable therapists I have ever met. She has traveled the world taking classes in specific theories related to the healing arts, pain management and body movement therapies. Her cranial-sacral work has eliminated chronic headaches and numbness in my hands that I have suffered for years. Not only are her sessions relaxing but they increase my range of motion, when I stretch after a workout I am amazed how much further I can now stretch. That said, Nancy takes a whole person approach to healing. She takes into account any stresses you might have, asks some thoughtful questions and before you know it she’s devised a treatment approach that works. Although she’s known to work instant miracles with neck crinks and such, it really takes a series of sessions to promote true and consistent healing. Whether you’ve had a recent injury, a traumatic emotional or physical event, you can find your way back to health with a learned, sensitive and caring professional like Nancy. I cannot recommend her work enough.
And for those looking for new approaches to healing and relaxation, she offers Watsu therapy in the summer involving a heated pool which I tried and found unique and frankly unprecedented in the range of motion I had in my back afterwards and during the session. I would concur, Nancy uses an approach where she puts your body into different positions that help to work out stress points, her massages are relaxing and therapeutic. If you want to get beaten up in a painful deep tissue session, this is not the therapist for you. Nancy’s approach is 100% relaxing, gentle, therapeutic and for me, the results have included better overall health. Can’t explain it but my asthma went away three years ago.I attribute this to the relaxation, stress relief and removal of long standing pain points Nancy’s work has achieved.
– Kimberly Myles
I’ve been seeing Nancy for more than five years starting with massage due to lower back issues. I have grown along with Nancy over the years as she has expanded her practice. She is NOT your typical massage therapist. Although she may use a bit of massage as a tool to get me relaxed at the start of my session, she offers so much more. Whatever is going on in my life, she picks up on it. It’s like my body is talking to her and she knows exactly what I need. Her intuition is spot on; which guides her on what type of energy work to give me at each session.
Now that my back issues have just about been resolved, so now I see her regularly for bodywork. No two sessions are ever the same. I truly love the water therapy in her pool, my body can move so freely vs. laying flat on a table. It has helped my back tremendously! Nancy has a unique, integrated approach that is one of a kind! She is nurturing and warm and really cares about her clients. If you are looking for a true healing energy professional, Nancy is top notch!
– Nancy Segreti
I have had the honor of working with Nancy Regan—and the process has been nothing short of TRANSFORMATIVE! Nancy specializes in assisting her clients in emotional journey-work through the gift of bodywork/somatic integration. She is ethical, highly skilled, conscientious, intuitive, and gentle in spirit. She is committed to her own growth process and to that of her clients. Nancy is also an excellent communicator—I have been delighted to work collaboratively with her for several years. So, if you are serious about personal growth—get Nancy on your team!
– Pamela Trice, PsyD, LCPC, LMT
I’ve been seeing Nancy for a few years now and she has done amazing things (from day one, actually) for my shoulder/neck pain and hand/arm numbness. In fact, the first time I saw Nancy, she told me where my pain originated and then proceeded to “release toxins” in the affected areas. I could actually feel the release of pain in my shoulder. I remember looking up at her with tears streaming into my ears. How she did this is a mystery to me. She seems to “feel” pain in others, I believe. Her style is quite gentle and seemingly ineffective at first—but once I relaxed and decided to go with the flow (pun intended). I lost my sense of time and space … and pain.
– Nancy Segreti
I have known Nancy for over 10 years now, and her bodywork techniques are simply incredible. She is a knowledge hound, and has studied different varieties of massage, energy, and bodywork all over the world. Definitely knows what she’s doing when she works on you! At Chi Baby, you are not just receiving a massage, you are receiving a therapeutic experience from a powerfully energetic being.
– Michelle Garcia