One mostly knows in their heart what the answers are. Nancy works as a conduit with both her and your guides to give you more clarity.
Intuitive Guidance
Having been a bodyworker for almost 20 years, Nancy often says that the body tells her a story. She came to understand that this awareness phenomena indicated her heightened sensitivity to energy. Understanding energy awareness is an important key to shifting the energy of a situation. We frequently look outside of ourselves for the answers, but more often we already have the answers…right inside. Sometimes we just need a guide to show us the way and teach us to trust our own inner knowing of our heart/soul space, as opposed to the, often fearful, ego.
Offering Insight to invite answers
Nancy works on both clairsentient-feeling and claircognizant- knowing levels. She has been developing her sensitivity and intuition for many years via metaphysical training, a strong meditation practice, and mentorships with well-known psychic mediums. Nancy’s practice often includes sharing her advice or “feelings” regarding both personal and professional situations. She confidentially feels into the energy of situations and relationships. She offers her insights and thus supports her clients in finding clarity and often new perspectives. Nancy consciously works in a space of non-judgment and will not tell you if you’re right or wrong, but rather tell you the truth, as she feels it. Her intention aims to support her clients in finding a path of less resistance and greater joy in life. One mostly knows in their heart what the answers are. Nancy works as a conduit with both her and your guides to give you more clarity.
Nancy is available for readings in person, virtually, or via text/email. She offers both abbreviated simple messages or much more detailed messages with card draws to work with your issue or situation.
She does not provide any predictions about your medical or mental health issues, or anyone’s death. She is in no way a substitute for professional medical, mental health, legal or financial guidance. All information provided within a reading are for entertainment purposes only.